Alexander Joshua Kinzig

       Kunstmuseum Bonn (Bonn, DE)

       Storage Project (Amsterdam, NL)

   Gerrit Rietveld Academie:
       Graduation Show 2023 (Amsterdam, NL)

   SNDO Graduation
       Festival 2023 (Amsterdam, NL)

   Atelierhaus 14 (Bonn, DE)
   Pain.Pleasure (Amsterdam, NL)
   Rietveld In Georgia:
        Reflections on the Fall (Tbilisi, GE)

   Danarti Architecture
        Magazine Issue #18 (Tbilisi, GE)

        SUBITILE (Amsterdam, NL)

   KINO Mshvidoba (Khevi, GE)
   BIGG: Before I Gotta Go,
         Über Weggehen und
         Wiederkommen (Bonn, DE)

   CHROMA: Reassessing Color
        From The Margins (Amsterdam, NL)

   awi saw ða saund (I saw
        the sound) TADAAA (Amsterdam, NL)



→ NEXTPRESS im Kunstmuseum Bonn (Bonn, DE)

NEXTPRESS is a workshop concept that emphasizes rapid production, small print runs, and alternative approaches to graphic design. Participants engage in the creation of self-made publications, utilizing scanning, copying, and printing techniques on standard office printers to produce their own designs.

On March 24th at 3 PM, we invite you to join us for a symposium titled The Entanglement of the Book and the Reader, presented in collaboration with ECLECT Lab.

This symposium delves into the dynamic interplay between the book and its reader—a continuous exchange of ideas that forms the essence of the reading experience. Through this lens, we will explore the deeply personal nature of reading and illustrate this interaction with a hands-on exercise. The event will also include an open dialogue, inviting participants to reflect on the publications crafted within the NEXTPRESS workshop.

Founded in Vienna in 2017, ECLECT Lab operates on the principle that true dialogue emerges from collaboration. With a focus on books and publications, ECLECT Lab is currently active in Amsterdam, The Hague, and Vienna.